Security solutions for crypto are broken

Crypto key storage, management, and usage solutions, including hardware wallets, rely on “off-the-shelf” semiconductor chips. Unfortunately, no company produces chips tailored for this market. Therefore, the crypto market must adapt chips designed for consumer electronics, centralized banking, or other more general applications. These off-the-shelf chips were NOT designed for the specific needs of a rapidly evolving crypto market with sophisticated security needs.

Some critical shortcomings of these generic chips include:

Blending crypto and semiconductor cultures

There is also the issue that crypto and semiconductor worlds have different “cultures” and need to be harmonized to design and fabricate a commercially viable chip. The CrossBar team brings together experts with diverse backgrounds in the fields of semiconductor development, physical countermeasure implementation, cryptography, secure non-volatile memories, security standards certification, software, and system development to revolutionize semiconductor solutions targeting secure transactions in the crypto world.

Crypto CultureSemiconductor Culture
Shorter timelinesLonger timelines
Start and fix on the wayMaximum validation before buying masks
Little to no toolingHigh fixed tooling (masks, IP, testing, qualification)
Costs to acquire customer is key metricGross margin is key metric
Point solution, focused narrowlySingle-chip, multi-purpose, large volumes
Can build value graduallyQuantized - one chip is a major undertaking